Saturday, July 21, 2007

Aaron says eMmm eMmm

I was in the kitchen this morning when I heard Aaron start getting really noisy while playing with Richard. Thats fine...he always gets like that. Then after awhile...I heard 'eMmm eMmm eMmm eMmm' and when I took a peek, Aaron was trying to make his way to where I was. I think he's trying to call 'MaMa' but he has it backwards and with the wrong vowel!

My little baby is calling me!!!!!


Nepharia said...

Dislexic at such a young age....

NomadicExpat said...

LOL at darth's comments...

Hmm... Is he calling you MeeMee?
Like how I call my mom (Mee)coz I'm too lazy to say "mummy". Similarly, I call my dad "Dee" instead of "daddy". But, I thought it would be "ma" with you, not "mee". And yes, I do remember how you "maaaaaaa" your mom! :-) By the time I see him next, I expect him to call me "yee yee" even though I'm not his real aunt, but I'm expecting that!

Amanda said...

LOL! I sure hope he isn't Dyslexic or I'll have even MORE work to do with him in the future. Anyway, he's definitely saying more of that word. I like to think of it as 'M'. Sort of like 'Q'.

Unknown said...

you'll probably be one of those cool parents where Aaron calls you "M" and richard "P" like 'Yo, M, P--I.L.Y!" (ma, pa, i love you ) haha :D


we call my mom "Me" (short e like meh) because thats what my brother called her as a baby --his first "mom" word and since then it stuck!