Friday, September 14, 2007

It hurts! How cute!

Just a few days ago, I wrote about how Aaron accidentally hurts me. This week, his enthusiasm and eagerness to move around and play has caused quite a few accidents for himself. Just little bumps here and there but some of them have been pretty painful (like him hammering his own mouth).

He has started to indicate to me where he is hurting so that I can somehow make it better. After each accident he gets this extremely cute face with his lips pressed together and turned down. He then starts a long narrative about what happened while pointing to the injured area "eMmmma ma tic tic tic sss ba ba mamamaa". At some point, he will also point to the object that has hurt him and continue telling his story.

So far, cuddles and kisses have been able to fix all the injuries but each time, I can't help taking a moment to absorb that cute face before making it all better.


Unknown said...

I have a strong feeling Aaron will start talking very soon

Bilbo said...

My older granddaughter is a real drama queen, and used to drive her parents crazy by screaming and crying at the least little hurt, without stopping to specify just what it was that was hurting. Happily, she grew out of that phase, but it seemed to take forever. Her brother, on the other hand, seemed to have an enormous tolerance for hurts...if his head were knocked off, he'd pick it up, put it back on, and run on as if nothing had happened. Go figure.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

You administer the right treatment there.

John A Hill said...

If only hugs and kisses would always be enough.

NomadicExpat said...

Please get a video of him doing that next time! I want to seeeeee!!!