After I left high school, I haven't been big on sending out Christmas cards. I only send out two each year. The first to a religious brother in Switzerland and the second to my old music teacher who has now joined a Carmelite monastery. Hmmm....I just noticed that they're both religious people. No, I'm not doing it for extra prayers, it just happened to be this way.
I am making more of an effort this year and hopefully, I'll be able to get some Christmas Cards out with prints of our new family on it. There are lots of options to choose from on the internet, like these from vistaprint. Too bad I didn't start my investigation while still in Brisbane. Anyhow, I don't have a printer here in Palembang so I'll have to look for a place that will print these cards for me without ripping me off.
Igot my Christmas cards through last year. They turned out really good.
I have been sitting here singing Christmas tunes, it is good to know that I am not alone.
It's hard to believe that Christmas is coming so soon! I'm not sure how you look at it, but I grew up in Western Pennsylvania back when a White Christmas was a given - you could pretty much count on snow for the holidays. Nowadays, living in Virginia, we don't see so much snow, and when I lived in Louisiana many years ago, it was hard to get into the holiday spirit when the temperatures were always hot and muggy and Spanish Moss was a suitable substitute for tinsel garlands on the tree. I don't imagine that white Christmases are very common in Palembang...does the weather affect your holiday mood at all?
I've been dreaming of a White Christmas my whole life. Afterall, thats what you see as a kid in all the movies. Unfortunately, I have never had one so the hot/muggy/humid Christmases of Asia are all I know. Even my Christmases in Australia are hot ones because its summer in the Southern Hemisphere.
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