Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Two Years Ago...

WOW! Take a look at these photos. They were taken two years ago when we first took Aaron to Wynnum. I even had a short post on it here.

His hands and feet were still so chubby. At that time, he wasn't quite walking yet and was mainly just a 'stander'.

And here he is today (try to ignore my stupid shadow):

This time, he was very interested in the park. There was a seaside theme to it and he was Captain Hook. See the hook?

I've been thinking to myself recently that I enjoy Aaron more as a person who can speak but then I look at these old photos and remember how cute and cuddly he was. How could I forget that those times were fun and exciting too? When friends that I don't often meet look at the recent photos of him, there is always the remark about how time flies. I'm glad that I can say time has moved at just the right pace for me. I might have had some extremely slow days in Palembang but I think that has given me the feeling that things are moving at just the right pace. Thats something to be thankful for.


John A Hill said...

I've generally found that the age they are at the moment is the most fun age! God has a pretty good sense of timing!

Jean-Luc Picard said...

He has certainly grown. What a difference!