Monday, October 26, 2009

What About Me?

Well, thats the end of all the flashbacks. Its time to come back to reality and blog about this here and now.

I tried to go change the 'About Me' for this blog and had absolutely nothing to write. In the beginning, one of the reasons why I got into the whole blogging thing was because I thought I had an angle. Life in Palembang was new to us (and full of annoyances) and I felt that I would be able to share many interesting things about life in a different part of the world.

But what now?

I live in a 'normal', developed country, city. Not a big city, but a pretty one. I'm still in the same job, although my role will be expanding next January. Nothing exciting there to blog about though....

Sometimes, I feel that we're finally going to be a normal family that spends the whole year together. That part sounds 'normal' but at the same time very exciting to me. In each of the past 5 years, I've spent months away from Richard. So once again, where is my blogging angle?

I'm going to have two children, not a crazy dozen. Anyway, I don't want to only blog about sleep, poop and the latest milestones. I think this blog is going to be harder to work on. This isn't necesarily a bad thing since I do use it to stimulate my braincells (when I get some good uninterrupted time at it).

But, after saying all that, there isn't anything else to this post. I started on it too late and now I'm too sleepy. Tomorrow....


Mike said...

Hey, I manage to blog about nothing most of the time. You can do it too.

Cynthia said...

I'm sitting here thinking the same thing...I don't think you have to have an angle...I don't think I have one???

Bilbo said...

I agree with Mike. But I also think that your life will continue to be will probably continue to travel around Asia (which is a foreign and fascinating place for most of us), and your observations and photos are always interesting. Don't give up...we're always interested in what you have to say!

egan said...

You'll be fine. Don't worry about your angle and just share what you always have. We'll keep reading. I enjoy your blog very much so I'm curious to see how life with two will go. We still feel very overwhelmed with just the one we have.

Unknown said...

Amanda, Are you back in Brissy?? Is this permanent or just during the pregnancy?? It looks like we will be heading back in Jan, suburbia here we come. Not sure how I'll cope after living in "Village Grande/ Big Durian". Would love to stay longer.
Sorry have really fallen behind with the blog watching these days.

Unknown said...

Oops should have clicked the notification option. Will do it this time

Amanda said...

Everyone, thanks for all the support. I hope I can still keep you all interested in visiting The Milk Bar :)

GJ, its not just for the pregnancy but I also hope its not permanent (ie the rest of our lives). I'm guessing a few years before we feel we need to move on again. There have been some positives to suburbia.... it won't be so bad when you come back in January.