Friday, October 9, 2009

Cute Sign In Brisbane

Off and on, I find funny signs in Palembang and I'll share them here. Its usually to do with some spelling error or misuse of the English language.

I think this is the first time that a sign has caught my attention in Brisbane.

Today, I followed my brother on a walk down memory lane with visits to his Primary and Secondary school. This was at the entrance to the Primary School:

I think its much more effective than putting up one of those "School Zone" signs or a sign with the shadows of children crossing the road.


Tanya said...

Love it- what a great sign. Sometimes you have to think outside of the box to get peoples attention (like airNZs new safety videos) and hopefully the desired reaction too.

Mike said...

I assume the top sign is for a speed bump. If you didn't know what it was you would certainly remember the next time.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

The sign looks like something regarding arrows and bowler hats.

Cynthia said...

Makes sense to me;)

Bilbo said...

What a great sign!

vw: mated - how Amanda got into her present condition...