Monday, October 6, 2008

The Terrific Two Year Old

Its been a trying morning but I'm not going to bitch about it. I know he has to go through this as part of the development of who he will become. There is nothing I can do about the number of times he tests his boundaries or the volume and duration that he whines for Every. Single. Day.

So, here's how terrific he is:

1. There are only one or two really trying days a week.

2. He has learned to look through a book or play completely alone, without even a word from me, for nearly 30 mins.

3. He knows to be quiet in church and has succeeded for 4 straight weeks.

4. He is not a fussy eater. In fact, he is an extremely adventurous one.

5. He still wants to be like his mama:


Bilbo said...

My brother used to be in the Navy, serving on a missile submarine. He once sent me a cartoon that showed an old, crusty sailor on the deck of a sub, pointing down into the open hatch at the nose of a missile within while a younger sailor recoiled in horror. The old sailor was saying, "This is the most awesome weapon in the arsenal. It has all the destructive power of an unsupervised two-year-old!" And I loved the picture...but wasn't sure about the "like his mama" reference...

Anonymous said...

I have never seen Aaron's mama make a face like that!!...ha ha ha!

Mike said...

2. HEY - me too!

Amanda said...

LOL! I meant he wants to wrap his wet hair up the way I do with mine :)

Cynthia said...

How cute is that pic:)