Since he got here, he's has this sudden burst of activity and a side effect of it seems to be that he runs all the time now. He didn't have anywhere to run to in Palembang but here, he has the impression that each time we leave the house, its to go somewhere fun. So, he just zooms in and out all day long.
Here are some photos from the past few days...
Playing at the beach in Southbank. This is a manmade beach and lagoon in the middle of Brisbane's city.
Riding his new bike in Redcliff:
Attempting to catch some fish:
Going for miniature steam train rides again:
Nobody gets to ride on this but I thought the steam truck was the cutest thing there. They didn't have this one last year:
And of course, we've already been to many many parks:
Once Richard leaves, we'll have to settle down to some sort of normal routine (that will include a regular blogging routine for me). All this running around is way too tiring and its ruining all this nap and sleep times! Oh well, never mind. We're on holidays for now.
Yeeha!! Looks fun though!
2 typos fixed.
Love the train picture.
But the couple on the bench in the last picture cracked me up. It's like they're sitting there in pain waiting for Aaron to get off.
Oh...the cute!
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