Friday, May 23, 2008

My first tomatos!

I've been waiting for these little guys for a month.

When I first saw them as little green bubbles, I thought it would be a matter of days before they reached full size and then turned red. Well, they got big pretty quickly but stayed green for weeks! They looked so cute on the plant that I almost didn't want to pluck them off.

I did of course, and ate them all raw to fully appreciate their taste. They were the most delicious tomatoes I've ever had :)

There are a few more on the plant that are changing color as well. The problem now is that I don't see any new little green ones.


Bilbo said...

Congratulations!! There's nothing quite like a tomato eaten right from the vine, still warm from the sun. My plants have quite a way to go yet before I see any tomatoes...they're growing well, but it's still early in the season. The herbs are going much better. I'll have to post some update pictures again soon.

Anonymous said...

nice tomato.. Do you gave some to Richard or Aaron?

Cynthia said...

Yeah, I love fresh tomatoes! We just planted some here:)

Kellan said...

I don't know why I don't grow my own tomatoes - I love them and could eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner - love them! Lucky you!

See you - have a good weekend, Amanda. Kellan

Jean-Luc Picard said...

They look worth waiting for.

Unknown said...

I am SO waiting for ours to turn red too!! It's taking forever! I can't wait to eat them right off the vine!

Good job, those look delicious.