13 Things I'm Looking Forward To Next Week
1) Aaron's reaction when we walk past a real plane. He looks for them each time we hear one fly overhead. He seems to be getting more excited about them. The Air Asia terminal in Kuala Lumpur is one of those without the tunnels directly inside. We'll need to walk down the stairs and across the tarmac. I think he'll enjoy it.
2) An over the water chalet with a supposedly spacious deck for me to enjoy the sea view.
3) An open sky bathroom. I'm really curious about what this must be like. We'll be having showers / baths under the stars (or hot sun!). What if it rains? What about birds flying overheard?
4) Splashing around the pool with Aaron and Richard. Up until now, it has only been Aaron and I whenever we go swimming.
5) Buffet breakfasts. This ought to be good after our three months of daily oatmeal here in Palembang.
6) A haircut. My hair is so long and heavy now I'm getting tangled in it in my sleep. Can't wait to get a bit of it lopped off. Perhaps some long layers like Eva Longoria?
7) A deep cleansing facial. The humidity and my own laziness has led to a face in need of some serious exfoliating and deep cleansing. Of course, the pampering that comes with a relaxing facial is the icing on the cake.
8) Some
real Tau Foo Fah for Aaron. This is a beancurd dessert that Aaron can't get enough of.
9) Pancakes. The last time I was in KL, we went to a restaurant that served pancakes, and all its variations, from around the world. It was amazing! I didn't expect them to be so delicious. Can't wait to go try more of them.
10) Shopping. I'm not usually a shopper but living in Palembang has really made me miss aimlessly wondering around malls. The ones here are just too noisy and crowded to be enjoyable. Kuala Lumpur is definitely a shoppers paradise and the three of us are going to enjoy it. Yes, even Richard and Aaron will enjoy it.
11) A change in Aaron's sleep patterns. Each time we go on holidays, something improves with Aaron's sleep. I hope that this trip will bring more positive changes.
12) Stocking up on the essentials I need to bring back here. We'll not only be walking the malls. We'll also be scouring each and every aisle of the supermarket to replenish our supplies for the house in Palembang. Things as ordinary as Glad Cling Wrap, Bovril and some nappy liners.
13) Roti Canai, Char Koay Teow, Chee Cheong Fun......these are all Malaysian food that we can't get here in Palembang. Its going to be a week of lazing, eating and shopping!