* Third and fourth teeth cut through last week.
* Pulls up to standing and sometimes forgets to hold on for a few seconds before he lands on his bum again.
* Uses all the chairs in the house as his walker.
* Climbs up on everything he can. He once pushed a footstool to the edge of a low set of drawers, climbed up, grabbed my moisturizer and had a good time taste testing.
* Makes his version of a car noise when he plays with a toy car.
* Starting to really enjoy books but he's gotten a little too excited with some and now they need repairing :(.
* He likes exploring the place with his index finger. He makes the pointing gesture and then creeps it along to feel out things - food scraps, dirt in the sliding door rail, gaps under doors, light switches, the radio tuner, the CD player buttons.....
He's a lot of fun to watch. The one thing that isn't getting any better is his behaving like a puppy. I think I've mentioned before that he puts anything and everything in his mouth. He still has those amber beads on but I'm not sure they're working. Things like this isn't so bad since the shoe hasn't been worn out yet....
But this morning, he really sunk to new lows. I saw him splayed out on the floor, licking it. Initially, I thought he was exploring the grouting between the tiles but when I picked him up, it was (be prepared for grossness here) his own spit up!
Babies must be the masters of balance. How else can someone come across as cute and adorable while at the same time have lots of the eww factor as well?
He's just so adorable regardless of the eww factor!!! I was looking at the pic of him with Richard on his FB page. Aww... he's so sweet looking. I miss him, and can't wait to see him again!
I'm with you on the 'eww factor.' The really good one is when the child does something really disgusting, then wants to give you a big, sloppy kiss to celebrate. I spend a lot of money on hand sanitizer...
"Adrian is driving now." This fact will come much too quickly.
He's just being adorable ... :)
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