Friday, August 17, 2007

Waiting in line with children

Here's something else that I've noticed since having a baby. When you're out shopping, especially grocery shopping, waiting in line to pay transforms from a mindless passing of minutes to something that you really need to use your brains for.

"Ohhh look at this, but don't touch it" or "Look at that baby" or "Don't bite the shopping cart!" I know he's just being curious so for now, I'll just have to keep him occupied.

Today I overheard a mother of 3 older children saying "Just be good children! Remember the chocolates? They are right there but I'm going to put them back if you don't sit still. You wouldn't like that would you?"

I'm sure the day may come when I have to resort to threats and bribes like that but I hope it won't be too often. Bribing with chocolates just doesn't sound right but I think I understand how desperate that mother must have been.

By the way, I've been meaning to put this photo up but kept forgetting. Its another first for Aaron. Sleeping in his pram:


Unknown said...

Aaron is one real fatty boy now!

NomadicExpat said...

Wow, you finally found some use for the pram! ;-) Awww... look how cute he is.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Sweets are always put in checkout lanes to catch those with the parents.

JUST A MOM said...

oh my goodness where ae you when you took that picture? Look at that cool walking thing the lady is on..... AND I have always taken a purse full of odd toys tha tthey NEVER got to play with at home... hang in there it will get crazier.....

Blindsighted One said...

Sweets kill me too. I'm a sucker. Can't help it.