Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Diaper Rebellion

I really don't know what all the fuss is about. Wouldn't you rather have a nice dry behind instead of a soaking wet one? Diaper changes with Aaron are becoming increasingly difficult. Getting the diaper off is pretty easy because I just take it off when he's standing at the gate to our room. To get the next one ON, I need to have him lying down. However, each time I put him down, he just flips over and is on all fours in half a second. If you've seen a dog spring up from the lying down position to standing on all fours.....that's what he looks like. In the next half second, he's grinning at me and scuttling away. Yes, I know he's just playing with me but the game usually ends in tears because I end up having to hold him down firmly which obviously isn't very fun.

Yesterday, I finally decided to try some 'angry voices'. They didn't work all that well, and I think I got too carried away and communicated too much anger. He gave it back to me by waking up every single hour last night. I couldn't get angry at him
then because it appeared that he was hurt and kept clinging to me as if I would leave him. Same thing happened all day today.....wouldn't let me out of his sight.

I'll have to think of some other way to get these diaper changes under control. Its also started me wondering about the sort of disciplining approach I should take. He is really starting to test his boundaries and our limits now.

OMG! I hope this isn't the start of my grey hairs....


Bilbo said...

Gray hair is get it from your children!

I've been having fun watching my daughter and son-in-law cope with changing little Leya's diapers. I'd forgotten how monumentally nasty some newborn diapers can be...must be nature's way of testing whether we really love our children. But you forgot to mention the real joy of changing a boy's diaper...that sudden plumbing test at unexpected moments! Good luck with the diaper wrestling!

Amanda said...

YES! We've had a few surprises and have learnt to be quite nimble.

noisms said...

Ah, such a pleasant image of parental life you've painted... ;)

Hi, just visiting your journal via somebody else's.

Serina Hope said...

Well at least he isn't to the stage where he takes it off whenever he heeds changes and then runs from you when you try to put another one on. That will be next.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Grey hais and diapers are linked, I believe.

John A Hill said...

"Its also started me wondering about the sort of disciplining approach I should take."

Remember that to "discipline" comes from "disciple" and means to teach. You've already taught him many things, even at his young age. What works in teaching often works in correction, as well.(though not always--hence the grey hairs!)

I'm always dismayed by the number of people that interchange the word punishment with discipline. The first should only be used as a consequence of doing something that you know is wrong. The second is to teach the difference.

Have fun with au natural boy! He may be teaching mom what he thinks is funny.

JUST A MOM said...

WELLLLLLLLL I woudl sit on the floor,, seperate my leffs,, incert child lay leggs over childs arms,, change FAST!!!!!!!!

good luck this is NO WHERE NEAR the grey hair stuff

Amanda said...

Life always works this way. I wrote this post yesterday after a particularly frustrating day in the diaper department. Then today, he seemed to lie still a tad longer than usual to let me get the job done. I wonder what tomorrow will bring. Probably something else I don't expect to keep me on my toes.

NomadicExpat said...

Soon, he will start his naked phase where he would decide to wander around wearing nothing. I'm not sure if I have that kind of patience and so, kudos to you. If I put myself in your shoes, I might end up giving him a small smack and tell him to sit... but of course, that will probably never work. Start potty training early. My cousin told me that her 4-month old daughter has been potty trained. She fusses when she needs to go as an indication that she needs to go. My mom told me that she potty trained my sis and I when were were a couple months old. Perhaps, girls are just easier at the early stage. Get a girl next time round, ok?