Are people interested to know that I've been married for six and a half years? Or that my darling son is only nearly 6 months and already balding? That my parents are pretty cool and I have a new sister-in-law?
I was a stay at home wife for the past couple of years. That was fun....And now, I'm a stay at home mom although at the moment, I don't have a home. We will be moving to Palembang, Indonesia in a month's time so right now, we're living with my parents in Ipoh, Malaysia.
My baby is exclusively breastfed. And I mean EXCLUSIVELY. No water, no juice, nothing, until he reaches the 6 month mark. Against the advice of my mother, I've only let my baby cry it out once and totally regretted it. I guess I have more of an Attachment Parenting style. We co-sleep.....breastfeed on demand. Also, because of the moving and packing of all our stuff, Aaron is quite frequently in my arms. He's a contented and happy little baby.
Here's a photo of the baldy little guy.