Friday, July 30, 2010

Blog Interrupted

Work has been crazy! The two bosses seem to be playing ping pong with various illnesses these past couple of weeks and it doesn't look like its stopping. I already work the mandatory 24 hour shift of all mothers but I feel like I've been putting in some overtime on top of that. I just hope their little germs don't start invading me as well.

So, I think blogging will have to wait until we're back in Brisbane and I can cut back on all this overtime. Take care everyone.


Mike said...

Don't get sick. And spending 24 hours in a germ factory is going to make that hard.

Bilbo said...

Good luck! Hope everyone gets better (and you stay well). We'll look forward to the adventure reports when you get back, exfoliated feet and all.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Come back soon!