Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday Thirteen - Brought to you by the letter "A"

I've always felt that there were a lot of "A's" in my life. Lets see if I can get to 13.

1) Amanda - My name

2) Australia - Place of birth

3) April - Month of birth

4) April - Month that Richard and I were married legally. The ceremony came later in July.

5) Aaron - Son's name

6) August - Aaron's birth month

7) Auchenflower - Suburb where I live here in Brisbane

8) ABRSM - Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. Almost all of my music exams were from them.

9) All Hallows' School - My high school

10) Accountant - My dad's profession

Those first 10 was easy and I did it in about 3 minutes. I had to get Richard to help me with the following 3 so I guess I really only have 10 "A's" in my life.

11) Avocados - Since I got here in September, I've had avocados at least 3 or 4 times a week.

12) Astro - This was our satellite TV provider in Palembang. Last month, it ceased operations and now I need to look for a new provider.

13) Amadeus - Mozart's middle name. I remember being told by one of my teachers that my musical style was more suited to Amadeus's music rather than Ludwig's. Whatever that means...


John A Hill said...

Absolutely Awesome, Amanda!

Bilbo said...

Amazing Amanda awes all!

elizabeth embracing life said...

You sure do have a lot of A's in your life. I can hardly put 2 together. It would take me a while.

Mike said...

Amanda, always arrange A's alphabetically, alright?

Cynthia said...
