Friday, February 15, 2008

Lets go for a drive

Richard and I started this 'project' back in December and he finished it off in January while I was in Ipoh. The whole idea was to give Aaron a bit 'map' that he could push his toy cars around. Unfortunately, we forgot to draw more roads in the picture and had lots of parklands and lakes instead. So, now, its become a bit of a playground for his little Fisher Price 'babies'. We tried to put a bit of everything in it; numbers, chinese characters, music rests, flags...

I'm not much of an artist so I stuck to coloring this time. All the drawings were done by Richard. He's obviously the arty one in this family!

The days here in Palembang are extremely long so hopefully, this will be able to capture some of Aaron's attention. I've also brought back with me a big stack of books for us to go through and more of my old toys. Aaron is still getting re-acquainted with the toys he hasn't seen for the past month so I won't be bringing any of the new ones out yet. I'll SAVE them for later.


Bilbo said...

What a great idea! I'm going to forward this post to my daughter so she can think about a similar thing for Leya.

Cynthia said...

Love the map, great idea!

Kellan said...

This is just adorable AManda - you all need to make these and sell them!!! Too cute and Richard is a great artist, isn't he - those drawings are just adorable!! I hope Aaron enjoys it and you keep it for when he grows up so he can see what you did for him.

Have a great weekend - see you soon. Kellan

imbeingheldhostage said...

wow, this IS great. I'd buy this if it were in a store. Great idea, and great coloring too ;-)