Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Rhythm of a Family

After yesterday's post on how quickly Aaron was growing up, I got a message from Richard asking "Why does he do all the new things when I'm not around?"

I'm sure Aaron isn't intentionally depriving his father of all these joys but I do feel a little pang of regret that I didn't go back to Palembang with Richard. After Brisbane, it took us about a month to get into the nice rhythm of being a family again.

Its not that we didn't get along. However, I did find that the time apart had some impact on the communication between Richard and I. I grew used to being without him and not having him to share all my thoughts with. And somehow, when he was around again, I became too lazy to let him know everything that was going on in my head.

I know it always takes time for Richard to re-adjust to Aaron as well. I forget that its easier for me to be able to anticipate Aaron's needs because I spend everyday with him. Richard is constantly needing to fast forward and catch up to Aaron's latest needs and latest 'favorites'.

This time apart won't be as long. Just another 3 weeks before Richard is here so I don't think the impact will be as significant as the time we were in Brisbane. I'm making the most of the time here to enjoy the rhythm of life with my parents and grandparents.


Cynthia said...

Wow, that has to be hard...I know what you mean though. When you spend every day with them, it becomes second nature to anicipate what comes next...

Kellan said...

That would be hard - but you sound like you handle it all very well. I like that you have your family around to go to and to help each other out. Take care. Kellan

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

That does have to be hard. I miss my husband when he is gone for a few days. Thank goodness you have your family close!

Serina Hope said...

I imagine that is so hard. Aaron is a lucky boy bacause his parents care so much about keeping him close to his family, even if it is a struggle at times.