Saturday, December 8, 2007

A Day of Firsts

Why is he grabbing his shorts? Probably because he's feeling a little airy in there :) Today was Aaron's had his first hour without a nappy. I know that many people, especially Asians, do toilet train babies from a very young age but I haven't felt ready to do it until now. There was just too much going on when Aaron was younger.

I started taking him to the toilet after his afternoon nap a few weeks ago and now, he regularly 'goes' at that time. I should really take him for pee breaks every hour but he keeps changing his schedule and I haven't been successful at catching the non post-nap pees. He has told me twice after a nap that he needed to go so I'm taking that as a good sign and that he's recognizing what it feels like. Hopefully, a daily nappy free hour will help me identify any cues he may be giving off and also speed up the recognition in his own mind of when he should make a run for the bathroom.

As for training on No. 2s....well, he had trained himself at 11 months but somehow, when we went to Australia and then came back again, things seemed to have gone backwards to the point where he now avoids eye contact and pretends that nothing has happened after he's done it. He'll make extra efforts in his play just to avoid having to get cleaned up. No idea on this one at the moment so I'm going to leave it for now.

The other 'First' of the day is his own chair. Here he is on his big boy chair (even though its a really little one).


Bilbo said...

My children all potty-trained early, as did my oldest granddaughter. Grandson Joe took much longer, and his parents nearly despaired. Part of the problem was his daddy being deployed to the Middle East, which caused him to regress in a lot of things. Happily, though, daddy came home safe and Joe finally decided that it was time. One of my funniest memories is of my oldest son's potty training...once he got the hang of it, he'd come zipping out of the bathroom and drag us in by the hand to proudly show off his ... uh ... production. One thing they don't teach you in Parents' School is how to make an appropriate fuss over a pile of poop (but it ends up being good training for a life spent observing politics!).

Jean-Luc Picard said...

That's growing up when one has their own chair.

JUST A MOM said...

wow that is early I figured out after like 30somethign babies tha tthe less stress training is the best fo rme,,,, wait till they are 3 and they say I WANT OT GO POTTY. good luck to ya ... he is getting so big.

dawn224 said...

I will forgive so many nights of lost sleep if Alex will only potty train early....